Allah, the Almighty, said:
{And your clothing purify.} [al-Muddath-thir 74:4]
قَالَ اللهُ عَزَّ وجَلَّ: "وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّرْ"
Wara‘171 is meticulous cautiousness out of worry or conscientiousness out of glorification.172 It is the end of the station of zuhd for the public and the beginning of it for the mureed (seeker).173
It is of three levels:174
الْوَرَعُ تَوَقٍّ مُسْتَقْصًى عَلَى حَذَرٍ،أو تَحَرُّجٌ عَلَى تَعْظِيمٍ. وَهُوَ آخِرُ مَقَامِ الزُّهْدِ لِلْعَامَّةِ، وَأَوَّلُ مَقَامِ الزُّهْدِ لِلْمُرِيدِ.وَهُوَ عَلى ثَلَاثِ دَرَجَاتٍ:
The first level is the avoidance of that which is ugly
الدَّرَجَةُ الْأُولَى تَجَنُّبُ الْقَبَائِحِ
The second level is to stay within the bounds of that which is harmless
والدَّرَجَةُ الثَّانِيَةُحِفْظُ الْحُدُودِ عِنْدَ مَالَا بَأْسَ بِهِ
The third level is avoiding any call to
والدَّرَجَةُ الثَّالِثَةُالتَّوَرُّعُ عَنْ كُلِّ دَاعِيَةٍ تَدْعُو إِلَى
171 This has also been translated as piety, extreme piety, pious caution, pious avoidance, etc.
172 Some avoid deficiencies out of self-respect. Devotional wara‘ is out of fear and glorification of Allah. Imam Ibn al-Qayyim comments here that he did not mention love, because love without glorification does not produce wara‘. However, one might also add that it is love with glorification that produces the greatest levels of wara‘.
173 Imam Ibn Taymiyyah has said, “Wara‘ is the avoidance of that which is harmful for your hereafter and zuhd is the avoidance of that which is not beneficial for it.” While there is overlap between wara‘ and zuhd, the zuhd of the mureed (seeker) goes beyond wara‘.
174 One may also add that what is to be avoided is of three levels: 1) ḥarâm, 2) makrooh and shubhah (doubtful), and 3) excesses of mubâḥ. The Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) had the greatest level of wara‘without excessiveness or fakeness. Due to the difficulty of practicing their level of wara‘, one must prioritize. One must avoid shubhah when it relates to the rights of others and when it is considered unethical or sub-ethicalby their society. For the student of knowledge who follows a madh-hab, transferring to another madh-hab for concessions is ḥalâl, but must not be done excessively whereby one picks all easy positions in all madh-habs. For the layperson without a madh-hab, the same applies to asking many different scholars.
175 For being busy with that which is suboptimal will ruin them or at least distract you from earning them.
176 For ugly conduct undoubtedly detracts from one’s faith, since faith increases with obedience and decreases with disobedience.
177 Losing the focus on seeking the Divine and His pleasure.
178 Because once the focus is lost, one gets attached to a myriad of pursuits and cravings.
179For vanishing (fanâ’) into this togetherness is considered by Imam al-Harawi the ultimate goal. Imam Ibn al-Qayyim comments here that baqâ’ (subsistence) in conformity to His will and in pursuit of His pleasures is higher because fanâ’ into Him is the servant’s desire and baqâ’ for Him and by Him is the Lord’s desire.
[All praise be to Allah, and may His blessings and peace be upon His final Messenger.
Wara‘ is important for every believer at all times. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: